We comply with the principles of ethics in business
JWe are and want to continue to be a reliable employer and business partner. We comply with the applicable laws and with the standards mentioned below because we are aware of the impact of our business. It is important for us that these standards be respected not only by our employees but also by everyone affected by our business. Doing business responsibly is important to us.
We are against all forms of corruption and misuse of confidential information. Transparency and fairness in business are crucial for us.

Health and safaty at work and worklife balance
The health and safety of our employees is a priority, as is the balance between professional and private life. We support the flexibility of our employees, whether they are employees with children or the sandwich generation, taking care of both children and the elderly.

Economic sustainability
Our business is based on state-of-the-art technologies, which is why we are actively involved in their popularization and innovation. We help businesses grow by using modern technology and digitization.

Gender equality and non-discrimination
We offer all the employees the same opportunity in terms of career and remuneration regardless of gender, nationality, religion, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion, or social or ethnic origin. Similarly, we require employees and cooperating persons to act in accordance with a non-discriminatory policy.

Social responsibility
We feel the need to help, especially those who cannot help themselves. We are not and will never be indifferent.

Information security
We are committed to eliminating all the risks related to information security breaches in order to protect the data and systems of our employees, business partners, and customers. At the same time, we are constantly raising awareness in this area to cut down the growth of cybercrime and misuse of information.

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- Our Values
- Your Colleagues
- KPCS management
KPCS Management Policy
With this policy, we want to convey to customers, partners, all people who work for us and the public our ideas about values, business relationships and our code of ethics, and express our focus and commitments in relation to product quality, information security and the environment
Our customers are our partners, with whom we build long-term and constructive relationships by meeting their requirements and representing their interests with full discretion.
At the start of the project, we analyze the wishes and needs of the customer and then develop an optimized solution at the appropriate level of technology.
In our main business areas, we belong to the leading companies in the field, thanks to the technological level and quality of consulting activities and project processing. We permanently consolidate our top position through the purposeful and proactive cooperation of the company's employees, their motivation, precisely defined competencies in management in cooperation with an active integrated management system leading to continuous improvement, to which we are committed.
In principle, we only accept such project and consulting tasks for which we are convinced that we can assume responsibility under the specified conditions.
Since our establishment, our company has experienced continuous qualitative and quantitative growth, which we continue to strive for. The company's management provides all the resources needed to fulfill the management's policy and goals.
We measure the lasting success of our work by the quality of the events we design and implement, by subsequent customer satisfaction with our services, by compliance with legal and other requirements, with regard to information security and, where possible, by environmental friendliness.
The management of the company considers the extensive knowledge and experience of our employees to be a great capital for the future. Each individual employee makes a significant contribution to the success of our company through their activities and thus bears their share of responsibility for the company. We undertake to motivate and support each worker in his further personal development through education, training and passing on experience, not only in the professional field, but also in relation to the environment and information security.
Suppliers significantly influence the quality and results of our activities. That is why we pay attention to their selection, evaluation and cooperation with them.
KPCS Code Of Conduct
We perceive our social responsibility as touching on various economic, social, and environmental aspects. Our code of conduct clarifies an organization's mission, values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. This lays out the company's principles, standards, and moral and ethical expectations that employees and third parties are held to as they interact with the organization.
Underlying Principles
In its decision making in day-to-day matters, KPCS factors in the needs of our employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders affected by our operations directly and indirectly. The attempt to minimize any negative impact of our operations on the environment forms an integral part of KPCS activities.
KPCS rejects any form of discrimination in its relations with all business partners. KPCS conducts its business in accordance with applicable laws, professional standards of professional ethics, and internal rules. The company is committed to the principles of fairness and honesty in all its activities and conduct.
We take pride in the fact that we provide information that is clear, transparent, and complete so that we can be a trusted partner to third parties.
The Staff, Working Conditions and Human Rights
Employee's and external personnel's moral and physical integrity are at the forefront of KPCS concerns. We ensure working conditions that respect the dignity of each individual, do not burden the environment, and meet the requirements for the health and safety of all involved
KPCS ensures that the working environment complies with applicable occupational health and safety rules. KPCS oversees, manages, and is committed to preventing all risks associated with the performance of its professional activities.
We compensate employees competitively relative to the industry and local labor market. We work to ensure full compliance with applicable wages, work hours, and overtime, we provide benefits (for instance providing sick days, cafeteria, team building activities, various pieces of training, self-education support etc..)
Confidential information is handled following the relevant applicable laws. We take measures to prevent third parties from accessing the information without legitimate business reasons.
Incidence and accident management
For our employees, we regularly provide mandatory training covering topics such as: Work safety for employees, GDPR, Information and cyber security, fire protection, and driver training.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
We respect our employees' right to join, form or not to join a labor union without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment. Where a legally recognized union represents employees, we are committed to establishing a constructive dialogue with their freely chosen representatives. The company is committed to bargaining in good faith with such representatives.
This right ensures an environment in which there is strong two-way communication between workers and management. Workers have the freedom to organize themselves, express their voices collectively, and defend their interests.
Harassment and non-discrimination
We are committed to equal opportunity and are intolerant of discrimination and harassment. We work to maintain workplaces free from discrimination or harassment based on race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, political opinion, or any other status protected by applicable law. The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, compensation, and advancement at the company is quali¬fication, performance, skills, and experience.
We do not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment, or retaliation of any kind. Harassment is not tolerated in the workplace and in any work-related circumstance outside the workplace.
Child labor and young workers
A "Child Worker" is someone who has not reached their 15th birthday. As a company, we prohibit all forms of child labor in our operations and supply chain. The use of child labor is unacceptable and can harm children's education, health, and mental or social development.
A "Young Worker " is a person who is legally entitled to work i.e. reached the minimum employment age of 15 and below the age of 18. We will not employ young workers for work beyond their physical or psychological capability, presents a health risk, or introduces a risk of accidents which it may be reasonably assumed the young person cannot recognize due to inexperience or lack of training.
A child or young person will never experience abuse of any kind while participating in company activities.
Modern slavery
We prohibit using all forms of forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, military labor, modern forms of slavery, and any form of human trafficking.
The Customers
We ascribe great importance to ensuring the IT services we provide live up to the highest quality standards, striving for ongoing improvements in the services offered to customers. We take an interest in the views and requirements of our customers. We have deployed the latest ICT technologies to meet their needs for us to keep our cutting edge.
The principles of fairness, cooperation, honesty, professionalism, and transparency are at the core of all our contractual relations and communication with our clients.
The company provides the appropriate professional standards required to perform the tasks entrusted to its employees. It is therefore fully committed to the professional advancement of its human resources, providing proper training and development tools.
Health and Safety
The safety and health of our employees are of paramount importance. Our policy is to provide a safe and healthy workplace and comply with applicable safety and health laws and regulations and internal requirements. We work to provide and maintain a safe, healthy, and productive workplace, in consultation with our employees, by addressing and remediating identified risks of accidents, injury, and health impacts.
For our employees, we regularly provide mandatory training covering topics such as Work safety for employees, GDPR, Information and cyber security, fire protection, and drivers training.
Business Ethics
Our policy is to conduct all of our business honestly and ethically. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and act professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.
KPCS is committed to preventing potential conflicts of interest, which applies not only to the situations listed in the applicable law but also to those in which an employee acts in other than KPCS's interest or for personal gain.
In accordance with the law, KPCS honors its duty of confidentiality with respect to all information in its possession. The information is used only to perform the work duties.
Environment Policy
We continually seek opportunities to improve our environmental performance by reducing waste of energy, water, paper, fuel consumption, and vehicle miles traveled. We promote increased waste treatment for reuse or recycling to minimize the amount of waste sent to landfill sites. We focus on identifying and segregating recycling materials.
Greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency, and renewable energy
For all our services and solutions, we aspire to minimize environmental impacts along the entire lifecycle - to keep ecosystems intact and to create a positive impact on society. Compliance with environmental regulations, standards, and voluntary commitments is an essential prerequisite of our actions.
Focus on four prioritized action areas:
Climate change
We are committed to the Paris Climate Agreement. We intend to become a carbon-neutral company by 2050. By 2027, we plan to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 30% compared to 2015 in our total lifecycle. We actively contribute to the transition towards renewable energies throughout our business lifecycle.
We strive to be transparent with our commitments and to work with our customers using Microsoft's green data centers throughout our services portfolio. Every customer can easily check their Greenhouse Gas emission decrease using the Microsoft Sustainability Calculator
We intend to maximize resource efficiency and promote circular economy approaches in materials, energy, water, and land use. By 2027, we plan to have reduced the environmental externalities (CO2, energy, water, waste, volatile organic compounds) by 45% compared to 2010.
Air quality
We are driving e-mobility forward to improve the local air quality. The share of electric vehicles in the Group fleet will rise to at least 40% by 2030.
Environmental compliance
We aim to become a role model for a modern, transparent and successful enterprise in terms of integrity by installing and controlling effective management systems covering the environmental impacts of our mobility solutions' overall life cycle stages.
Code Violations
KPCS does not tolerate violations of the principles laid down in the Code of Conduct. Each code violation will give rise to disciplinary action taken by the company against those responsible.
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